I am now 39 weeks pregnant and getting a bit miserable. I feel like I've been pretty happy and easy the whole time, so I think I'm entitled to a little venting.
I can no longer sleep (well, atleast). My acid reflux is at it's worst, and even more terrible at night. I sleep propped up on about 5 or 6 pillows. I might as well be sitting straight up. Also, I have begun snoring really bad. Don't know why. It's so loud though, that I actually wake myself up from it. My poor husband :( Also at night, I have these hot/cold flashes where I am really cold at one moment and cuddled under the blanket, then wake up the next and am soaking wet from sweat. I get up to pee atleast 2-3 times each night, and rolling over to get out of bed is really hard work. So, all in all, I'm up atleast half of the night. Exhaustion is really starting to hit me, and I think I'm supposed to be getting as much sleep as possible to prepare me for the exhaustion of bringing home a newborn. It's not working so well.
Headaches, headaches, headaches. I've been getting some pretty bad headaches for the last 2 weeks or so. I've been really lucky during the whole pregnancy and didn't have any headaches or migraines (except for my sinuses during allergy season). I think it may have something to do with my blood pressure. Recently, at each doctors appt my blood pressure keeps increasing. Today, it was 150/70. This was the first time my doctor seemed a little bit concerned about it. I am now on the lookout for symptoms like bad headaches that make me see spots or can't be cured with tylenol and a nap, and any swelling at all in my hands or face. If any of this happens, I'm supposed to call them immediatly or go to the hospital.
Still getting some braxton hicks contractions. They are the strongest when I have a full bladder or when I do excessive walking around. Problem is, they always go away :( I wish they would lead to labor.
Okay, at my appt today the doctor did another exam. He found that I am more effaced, "atleast 50%" he said. My cervix is still not dialated. He would have stripped my membranes for me, but couldn't get through my cervix without any dialation. I've been trying some things to get labor started, like lots of walking around the neighborhood, drinking red rasberry leaf tea, cleaning my house like crazy (I have intermitent spurts of energy), etc. But, baby Schularick is obviously not ready to join us yet. Hopefully she will want to meet her mom and dad really soon.
It's hard to wake up every morning thinking, "Is this the day?", then go to bed that night continuing to wait. I know she'll be here before I know it, but right now every day seems like forever...
I just want to see her beautiful face!