Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Break & Easter Weekend

Me, Dustin, and baby bump in Helen, GA.

Celebrating Dustin becoming a father with cigars.

Candi, me, and Tessa in Helen, GA.

Hey family & friends,
Not any major baby updates this week. Dustin and I were both on spring break, so we worked the entire time in the yard and in the house. Luckily, there was a light at the end of the tunnel and we went to Helen for the weekend with friends. Helen was a lot of fun, even though I couldn't get in the hot tub or enjoy a cocktail...bummer! However, everyone was very understanding, and they even all left happy hour to go play mini-golf instead! Our friend Jonathan suprised Dustin by bringing celebratory cigars. In Jonathans family, whenever a man finds out he is expecting a baby, all the guys celebrate with and give well wished with cigars. It was sweet :) Anyway, back to school tomorrow. The baby is the size of a peach now. I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You are getting close to being able to identify the sex. Are you guys going to go to one of the places to find out early or wait and find out at 19 weeks. My student teacher from last year is having a boy and is naming him Landon.
