Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sonogram #2

This is baby Schularick's side profile. You can see all her facial features. The dot above her chin is her hand.This is almost all of her! Half of her legs are cut off, but you can see almost her whole precious body!

We had our follow-up sonogram today. Once again everything looked great. She was in exactly the same position as last time, head down and feet up to the right. She even had her left hand over her face again. She must really like that position. It was great to see her again and all her body parts and working organs. This time, we saw all four chambers of her heart, her blood flow (with these crazy colors they used), and her kidneys. She was still measuring a few days small, but has grown at a normal rate since the last sonogram. The ultrasound tech said that our due date may be just a few days off. I'll see what the doctor says about it at my next check up. I love her so much already!!


  1. She is beautiful!!!!!! Im ready for her to come on!!!! Miss you.
    love, Allison

  2. That is so exciting! Glad to hear everything looks good. I sent you an email last night.

  3. well hello little miss Annabelle/Kaylin/Riley!!
