Friday, May 22, 2009

Celebrating Our Baby Girl News!

I just got back from a "baby girl celebration" mini-shopping spree. It was so much fun to look at all the adorable baby girl clothes. I also picked up a wooden Princess sign for her room, a couple of cute books, a package of wash and burp clothes, and some Baby Genius DVD's.

We got a call this week from our OBGYN's office about our sonogram. They want us to do a repeat ultrasound in 4 weeks. The baby was measuring a little bit small, and they want to make sure she starts catching up. The doctor also said her anatomy and everything else looked great! I can't wait to see her again.

Lastly, we've been really thinking about baby names. We've made lists and lists, crossing most of the names off. We've narrowed down some baby girl names that we like. We have also decided on a middle name for her. It's really hard to decide on a name thats perfect, special, and just right.

I am so in love with my baby girl already!

Until next time,


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