Thursday, July 2, 2009


So far, I have been super lucky and have had a pretty easy pregnancy. I'm not quite sure what has happened over the past week, but I am beginning to have some uncomfortable issues. First, on Tuesday I started having these shooting pains coming from my right bottom cheek that would go down my leg. I have these pains off and on when I put pressure on my foot to step. The big problem is that when I get one of these pains, my leg gives out and I have to try and catch myself. I've been moving pretty slow because I am so scared I am going to fall, especially going down the steps or carrying breakable things. I've looked up some information about this and apparently it's pretty common in pregnancy. If I am correct, it is something called Sciatica. It happens because either the baby or your uterus is pushing on your sciatica nerve. There didn't seem to be much I could do about it. The many websites had a few suggestions, like putting your feet up (like that one!), swimming, taking a luke warm bath, and massage (like that one too!).

Then, Tuesday night into Wednesday morning posed a new problem. I woke up many times through the night and my wrists, hands, and lower arms were achy and asleep. This made it very difficult to go back to sleep each time. In the morning, the asleep feeling slowly went away, but the dull ache continued. Last night I didn't have any problems with them falling asleep, but they are still very achy. I tried to look up some info on this one too. The only thing I found that could be a possibility is the beginnings of pregnancy carpal tunnel. I REALLY hope this is not the case!

I go for my monthly check-up on Monday 7/6. I will surely talk with the doctor about all of these new developments. I still have 14 weeks to please pray that I continue to have a healthy happy pregnancy.

Mommy-to-be Erin

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't even finished the paragraph before I knew you were having a problem with your Sciatica. They are super common, esp in pregnancy. It's basically a pinched never. It should go away on its own, but it if is really bothering you, a lot of chiropracters have special pregnancy exercises to help with it.

    Hope you are feeling better loverbug!

